chunky guacamole


Chunky Guacamole

Chunky Guacamole


Recipe Yield

6 servings

Cooking time

10 minutes

Rate this recipe

4.70 from 10 votes


  • 2 ripe Mexican avocados halved, pitted and pulp cut into chunks or roughly mashed
  • 3 tbsp white onion finely chopped
  • 1 chile serrano or jalapeño or to taste, minced (seeding is optional)
  • 2 tbsp cilantro leaves roughly chopped
  • 3 tbsp fresh squeezed lime juice
  • 1 tsp salt more or less to taste

To Prepare

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and serve!


50comments inChunky Guacamole

  1. Stephanie F

    Sep 26

    I agree with Elaine below. Perfect balance of ingredients. Simple but superb. I won’t bother with more complicated recipes for guacamole.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 05

      Yay! So glad you liked it Stephanie!

  2. ElaineC

    Aug 04

    Delicious! The proportions of ingredients are perfect. Muchas gracias.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 04

      My pleasure, glad you liked it!

  3. Linda Mead

    Feb 11

    Sounds delicious! I can’t wait to try it. Will be shopping tomorrow for the ingredients!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Mar 13

      Hope you enjoyed it Linda!

  4. Susan Garza

    Feb 09

    I always try your recipes they’re amazing and true to our culture

    1. Pati Jinich

      Mar 13

      So happy to hear Susan, gracias!

  5. Paul Johnson

    Feb 07

    Love this recipe. Would just add one 1 teaspoon of Mexican Oregano.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Mar 13

      Sounds like yum to me!

  6. Carol anderson

    May 12

    Hi Pati I watch you on tv alot.You make everything look so yummy.I made a chicken enchilada casserole today.I enjoy watching the boys eating and growing older beautiful family Pati.God bless you

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 17

      Thanks so much for your kindness Carol 😉

  7. Sheila Blanc

    Nov 06

    Hi Pati,
    Believe it or not, I just saw your show for the first time! Not only do the dishes look delicious, but I love the way your sons cook with you!
    I am a native Marylander who lived in Phoenix for 16 years, where I learned how to make enchiladas and to remove the corn silk before trying to bite into empanadas! I am back in Maryland, and find that I learn from my children. My son is an amazing cook, with a variety of adventures including spatchcock chicken and Cuban pork. My daughter has come up with some amazing vegetarian dishes. And I am proud of my insistence that my children try new foods. My signature dish is broccoli and spinach quiche. My late mother was a caterer who taught me to make a mean chicken soup and noodle kugel. They are almost as good as hers.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jan 04

      So happy you found me Sheila! Now you have to stick with me and keep cooking delicious Mexican meals 🙂

  8. B.A.

    May 19

    This the very same recipe I was taught 60 years ago while living in San Diego. I STILL make it (albeit without the cilantro-tastes like soap) here in Texas. Absolutely FIVE stars.

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 20

      Glad to read you like this recipe B.A.! I hear you about the cilantro, many people feel just like you, but I happen to love it 😉

      1. Lill from Manitoba

        Jul 06

        I love cilantro in Mexico and am wondering if it might taste different in the different regions it’s grown. I live in the middle of Canada and I grew it this year and it is very hot this year and it is tasting really good. Not the soapy taste you get In grocery Stores in winter.

        1. Pati Jinich

          Jul 08

          Glad that you like cilantro Lill! I’ve heard from many people that it tastes like soap to them, so maybe is not where it’s grown, it’s that it just comes through like that to some. Enjoy it 🙂

          1. Divya

            Sep 04

            It’s actually a genetic trait. Some people who have a particular gene variation cannot stand the taste of cilantro

            Reply Icon
  9. Kathy from Michigan

    May 14

    Love catching your cooking show on TV. Thought I’d let you know I had half a cup of cottage cheese, I/2 red or yellow bell pepper and a small chopped tomato to your guacamole recipe. It’s my go-to recipe to take to potluck gatherings.

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 16

      Yummy Kathy, great ideas, I bet your guac is delicious 😉

  10. Anna Cooley

    May 06

    Hi Pati!! Thank you for your wonderful show. I want you to know you’ve inspired me to learn the Spanish language! I’ve been at it about 2.5 weeks now. I was watching one of your shows this past weekend and you were speaking with someone in Spanish. I understood one of the words he said without looking at the English subtitles! LoL I told my husband “I knew a word, I knew a word!!!” LoL The word btw, was aqui. Anyway, thank you for giving from your heart. It shows.

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 11

      Love this Anna, thanks so much! Keep up with the good work, next time we might be able to talk in Spanish 😉

  11. Cindy white

    May 05

    I am going to get the makings for this and enjoy it I’m sure!!! Thank you Pati

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 11

      Awesome Cindy! I hope you liked it 😉

  12. Jeffrey

    May 05

    Less is, indeed, more. Lovely simple guacamole.

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 11

      Completely agree Jeffrey 😉

  13. Danny Salazar

    May 05

    Hola Pati, first let me say I enjoy watching you and your shows you have such wonderful recipes and I’ve have done several of them so delicious the most one that I love very much is your tomatillo and lime Jam which I make often . My family loves guacamole and this one is like how I make it also the only difference I had a little garlic salt it is very delicious thank you Pati for sharing some of your wonderful recipes. Happy Mother’s Day to you

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 11

      Thank you Danny, hope you had a great Mother’s Day as well. Garlic salt seems like a great addition to this guac, bravo!

  14. Jackie Bender

    May 05

    Pati I love guacamole. Your recipe is simple and I like that. I am sure very tasty too. I enjoyed watching Pati’s Mexican Table over the weekend. I especially liked the segmant you shared a sandwich dunked in two sauces with your son JuJu.

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 11

      Thanks for the kind words Jackie! Stay tuned because the new season will start airing this fall 😉

  15. Pat Kennedy

    May 04

    Hello, Pati! I enjoy watching you on PBS! You do put such bubbly enthusiasm into you program.
    I have to tell you, one year, my son Matthew gave me your Cookbook and my own Molcajete.
    The recipe in your cookbook is my personal favorite, since I have a very sissy palate, and can not handle the heat…
    So my standard recipe is the cookbook version. And it is delicious. And, I do like it chunky.
    We have made it a special treat. Thanks!

    ps, I also enjoy your trips through Mexico! Again, on PBS, our local Station is WHRO.

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 04

      Thanks so much Pat for sharing with me! Bravo to Matthew for giving you the perfect gift 😉

  16. Angelina Jones

    Jan 29

    please help , your Guacamole salsa that you made in your TV show was great, your young boys loved it but you also added Soy Sauce to the recipe above , can you please send me the recipe using Avocado , onions, chili and soy sauce. Please Thank you so much P.S Love your show

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jan 30

  17. Elaine Vingi Cruz

    Jun 25

    Hi Pati, love u & your show … I live in Rhode Island & we have an authentic Mexican restaurant that we enjoy & their chunky guacamole is delicious. My question is, we think there is a vegetable that they use….maybe cactus? We do have a friend from El Salvador but I know each country has their own recipe. He asked them & our answer was mommy won’t tell us!!! Any thoughts? Much appreciated … blessings to you

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jul 03

      Oh there are so many versions of guacamole…it could be chayote but let me know if you ask them again, Elaine.

  18. Cindy

    Jan 29

    Me encanta ver tus recetas Pati porque son realmente mexicanas y no agregan ingredientes que ni alcanzo. Eres una gran representante de nuestro bello país México 🇲🇽

    1. Pati

      Feb 01

      Uy mil gracias, Cindy!

  19. Maureen from Boston

    Jan 17

    Pati- I adore your show, your recipes, your children and your joy for life and food. Your show is so fun to watch! Thank you!!

    1. Pati

      Jan 17

      Thank YOU Maureen!

  20. Pam Janes

    Sep 22

    Always love your recipes. They are easy and awesome tasting. Great job Pati.

    1. Pati

      Oct 01

      Aww thank you so much Pam!

  21. Anonymous

    Jun 23

    Simple, easy, love chunky. I love cumin. Cumin intensified flavors. My grandmother & mother used it, liberally. Therefore, I will try the guacamole both ways. I am so glad I chose to live in California, here you get the ‘real deal’.

    1. Pati

      Jun 24

      Oh have fun testing it out both ways!

  22. Sheila G Holcomb

    Feb 20

    Hello Pati, I love avocados and guacamole, this chunky style sounds marvelous , I will try it’s, love you, and your show,

    1. Pati

      Feb 23

      Sheila thank you so much for tuning in…hope you love the guacamole!

  23. Jeff Larson

    Nov 26

    Aww Pati…what’s up with the no love for cumin…? Try this recipe with a dash of cumin, you’ll love it… 🙂

    1. Pati

      Nov 28

      Ohhh YUM! I will try this!

      1. Jeff Larson

        Jun 28

        Thank you for your show and your wonderful personality! I hope you tried the cumin in the guacamole and loved it!!

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