I am crazy for Tepache. Gently sweet, with an innocent hint of home brewed alcohol, a deep freshness and a gorgeous amber color.
Tepache: A home made fermented drink that comes from the state of Jalisco – also breeding ground of other Mexican symbols like Tequila, Charros and Mariachis. Tepache has a base of fresh pineapple, true cinnamon, piloncillo and water and has been drank in Mexico since Pre-Colonial times.
I have made it many times throughout my life.
First, when Daniel and I moved to Texas, to celebrate our finding piloncillo at a U.S. grocery store. Later, when we moved to DC, to soothe the heat of that first long summer and to make our new home, feel like home. A couple years ago, I brewed liters to share with a large crowd for a class I taught on foods from Jalisco.
Then, I forgot about it. Until this summer, when we moved, the heat started pumping up and I unpacked my old clay pot from Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. A pot that is perfect for brewing Tepache, which is so simple to make. That is, if you can keep an eye on it.
You need to find a ripe pineapple. Almost entirely yellow and soft to the touch.
After you rinse it, remove the top.
Cut into thick slices, whichever way you want, horizontal or vertical, including the peel. The peel will help the drink ferment and give it an interesting depth of flavor.
Cut the slices into thick chunks (yeah, I do love my knife…)
There you go, the gorgeous work of a fine, loyal knife (I so, so, so, love my knife)
Pour water into the pot. If you don’t have a clay pot, use any kind of large pot.
Drop in a cinnamon stick, preferably true cinnamon, if handy.
Drop in the piloncillo, which gives anything it touches that rustic small Pueblo flavor. Just throw it all in there. No need to chop. No need to shred. It will dilute in the water as you bring it to a simmer.
Oh, and five or six whole cloves, for that touch of spice.
Bring it to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes. You know the liquid is ready when the piloncillo has diluted and you get this lovely light brown color.
Here, you can see the color of the liquid better with my grandmother’s glass spoon. Light amber.
Gorgeous amber.
And it gets even better after you add the pineapple.
Turn off the heat, and add the pineapple chunks.
Cover the pot and let the mixture sit and rest, and begin to ferment, for two days, or about 48 hours. Any area of your kitchen is fine, preferably the warmest area, where you won’t have to move the pot around for that period of time.
After two days, the liquid will begin to show some bubbles. That’s when its ready for you to pour in the beer to speed up the fermentation process. You can go the old fashioned way, and not add any beer and let it sit for another week, or more.
Any lager that you like. Dos Equis works for me.
Cover the mix, and let it sit for about 12 to 15 hours more.
Now, remember I just said Tepache is so simple to make, if you can keep an eye on it. Well, right after I poured the beer in this step above, I had to leave for New York. My husband was left in charge of keeping an eye on the Tepache, but he was too busy keeping an eye on our three monsters.
So the Tepache ended up tasting like vinegar.
The trick is, right after you pour the beer, don’t let it sit for more than 12 to 15 hours. After that time, strain it and either drink it or place it in a big pitcher in the refrigerator.
So there I went again… and this time, we were all keeping an eye on the Tepache. It went so fast!
Now we are at it again, once more. But my lesson learned: you have to watch your own Tepache.
- 1 ripe pineapple or about 3 cups
- 4 liters water or 16 cups
- 1 pound piloncillo or dark brown sugar
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 5 whole cloves
- 1 cup lager beer
To Prepare
- Using the traditional big eathenware jug (or a large pot), bring to a boil the 16 cups water along with the piloncillo, cinnamon stick, and whole cloves. Simmer, stirring once in a while, for about 10 minutes or until the piloncillo has dissolved.
- While the water is simmering, wash the pineapple thoroughly, and remove the stem and bottom. Cut it into 2 inch cubes, without taking off its rind.
- Once the flavored water is ready, add in the pineapple chunks and cover. Let rest for 2 days, or 48 hours, in a warm area of you kitchen. The mixture will begin to ferment and bubble on the surface. Add a cup of lager beer, stir well, and let it sit for up to 12 hours more. Don't let it ferment much longer, or you may end up with vinegar instead!
- Strain tepache through a fine strainer or cheesecloth, and serve very cold. You can either refrigerate it or serve over ice cubes.
97comments inCrazy for Tepache
Socorro Noriega
Sep 02
I think you are a great person
Thanks for sharing your experience
Pati Jinich
Sep 28
Thanks to you Socorro, gracias!
Carmen @ Melisman.60@gmail.com
Aug 27
Hello Patti,
You are a great!! I love all your dishes and hope you continue to have success in your wonderful show. I would love to know how to make Birria Tatemada, specially the “mole that was poured over the plate before it was placed to be broiled and filmed in Tlaquepaque on your Season 10 Episode #10. I appreciate all you can do to help with my request. Love, love, loved your show! Many blessings for you and your family.
Pati Jinich
Sep 28
Let me try to find it for you 🙂
Billy Albritton jr
Sep 25
Thank you Pati. I cannot wait to try this recipe it reminds me of the way my mom and grandmother used to make.
Pati Jinich
Oct 11
Sweet memories 🙂
Marcos P
May 09
Thanks a lot for your talent, I enjoy your show very much.
Pati Jinich
May 13
Gracias Marcos, un abrazo!
Michael D Keller
Dec 11
Hola Pati, to pick up where I left off. I’m a Home Vintner, make Beer, and since it’s legal in Missouri a Home Distiller. The fruits that are most Prone to Turning into Vinegar are Berries. I’m allowed to make an Aggregate of 200 Gallons per year of Fermented, Distilled, or Malted Beverage Alcohol for Consumption. I’m the same sense if I choose to make only one type of Alcohol for instance Distilled Brandies or Moonshine I would be able to make 200 Gallons per Calendar Year, but I wouldn’t be able to make any other type of alcohol. By the way, I love your Show. I’m a Faithful Follower and record every episode.
Pati Jinich
Dec 11
Thanks for sharing your knowledge Michael. So glad you are tuning in and having fun with the show. Un abrazo!
Michael D Keller
Dec 11
Hola Pati, I just wanted to comment on your recipe for Tepache. I lived in Monterrey NL Mexico where I met the mother of my Twin Daughters and her family had a Tepacheria. I’ve never seen beer used in making it. You’re correct. It will cause it to turn into Vinegar. The reason being is that the Pineapple Peelings have a Natural Wild Yeast that would Normally Ferment in 72-96 hours. By introducing the Hops and Yeast in the Lager Beer it will cause a Violent Fermentation. That would cause it to turn into Vinegar.
Jul 13
In most of the YouTube videos they mention that Tepache can be made with other fruit but I have not found one recipe other than pineapple. Have you made a Tepache with alternate fruits?
Pati Jinich
Jul 14
My Tepache is always made with pineapple Denise 🙂
M Gomez
Feb 21
Pati Jinich
Feb 22
Glad you enjoyed it!
Griselda Hermosillo
Jan 08
Kombucha seems to be the latest health craze, wondering if this is similar, ie, mexican version of kombucha tea ?
Jan 10
You could call them cousins, maybe. :)
Nov 10
I think the problem a lot of you are having with it not fermenting is your “not” suppose to wash the rind. That and don’t add the rind to boiling water. You’re just killing the yeast. Or maybe the pineapples your buying from the store have been washed or something done to them where the natural yeast has been removed.
Dec 09
My Tapache turned very thick after I added the beer. it was almost slimy in consistency. What did I do wrong?
Dec 15
Hm. Did you leave it out too long? Was the temperature too hot?
Sep 15
Hello Pati,
Thanks you for sharing your recipe and wonderful stories.
I have a couple questions for you, I hope you can help me out.
How long will this last in the refrigerator before it begins to have an “off taste” (vinegar)?
If I made a big batch, could I bottle and cap them? Will they build up a lot of carbonation on their own in the refrigerator?
Thanks again for providing these awesome recipes, love your show on PBS.
Sep 20
Surely! This recipe is meant for home use and tested to this amount. A week is a good approximation for how long it lasts in the refrigerator with great taste. Thanks for tuning in!
Julia Salazar
Aug 12
im having mold problems too. Does the fruit need to be completely submerged? I’m using a clear Aquas frescas jar w plastic bag rubber band to cover this time too. Thanks!
Sep 06
Hi Julia, just remove what appears to be mold from the top, and refrigerate. Should be good!
Jan 24
Can you reuse the pineapple for another batch? I just know beet kvass can be used 3 times so just wondering, thank you
Jan 28
Hi Nick, I would use a new pineapple every time…
Dec 09
Thanks very much for the follow up Pati!
Good news, I have had success with the Tepache!
I think in the cooler, dryer environment it just takes a little longer. That being said, I think the first batch I made was too vinegary, so I tried it again, added the beer after about 2.5 days and let it go for another 12 hours for a grand total of three days. The beer I used was Bottle Conditioned / Live Yeast Beer, Hoegaarden and that did seem to speed things along nicely.
The one issue I have is that I have never had authentic Tepache, so it is hard to know if I have it right or not. I guess I will keep experimenting until I am completely satisfied! Either that or take a trip to Mexico!
Barbacoa was excellent, even managed to find banana leaves!
I am now a proud owner of your cookbook and am eager to get going on some new recipes!
Thanks again!
Dec 11
Thank you Scott, for getting my cookbook! So happy you liked the barbacoa (I love it too…) and by all means, keep on playing with the teach. It does have a tangy and light taste…
Nov 21
Hi Pati!
I need help! I have tried to make this several times, but I cannot get bubbles or any fermentation.
I am in Canada and it is cold outside, but it is warm inside +70F. I am using Organic Pineapple and Distilled Water. I have not boiled the pineapple or done anything that I think would kill the pineapple yeast.
Any ideas about what I might be doing wrong?
What is the ideal temperature to do this?
Is room temperature of 70F too low?
What temperature would be too high and kill the yeast?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
On the positive side, made your Red Pozole and loved it! Doing Baracoa next!
Thanks in advance for any help!
Nov 24
Hola Scott, Glad to hear you enjoyed the pozole, but sorry for your trouble with the Tepache! Have you been keeping the rind on the pineapple? Maybe try adding the cup of lager beer after a couple days to see if that boosts the fermentation process. Let me know if this helps…
Feb 12
Hi scott I’m mexican and I glad that you tried this recipe. Sometimes the pineapple is not the same in other places. When I was living in mexico my mom used to make tepache. It took almost 3 fermantation days. Now I live in the U.S. and the same recipe takes about 10 days fir a good fermentation. My advice for you is, lets the pineapple in a jar, lid with plastic bag an don’t open it after a week you will see foam, bubbles or something white. Then the tepache is ready .:)
Feb 19
Thanks very much for your advice. Regarding the actual pineapples, the ones we get up here always seem to be from Costa Rica. I used Organic, but not sure if that would make a difference or not.
I will actually be in Mexico in a few weeks, so I will make it my mission to find some authentic Tepache. I think that is the only way to know if I have been getting it right!
Thanks again! Appreciate your help.
Monic Torres
Sep 17
Hi Pati, I have a question…I am brewing my tepache as we speak 🙂 I did it since Sunday night….I havent seen any foam as of now….we want it to consume for this Saturday 9-20-14 shoud I just keep it fermenting untill maybe Thursday or Friday then add the beer? Also what if I want it really strong? Adding triple sec or any other suggestions ? My husband and his cousins (coming from houston)will be consuming after their dove hunt so I want to get them drunk…give me suggestions please I don’t want it turnig ugly….oh when should I add alcohol? THANK YOU PATI FOR THE RECIPE♥
Sep 19
Hola Monic, Hoping it as bubbled by now? Wait for it to bubble before you add the alcohol, as you only want it to sit out for about 12 hours once the alcohol is in, then move to the refrigerator. Sounds like it will be a fun weekend!!
Cindy Johnson
Aug 26
I am very interested in fermented foods of all cultures, and was recently told about this beverage. I love Pati’s tv show, so was glad to find this recipe of hers. I am going to try making this, but I’m wondering if the amount of sugar used here is essential for the fermenting process, or if it might work with less sugar?
Thanks, Cindy
Aug 27
Hola Cindy, So excited you are interested in this recipe. You may try it with less sugar, but the sugar helps the fermentation process. You may also try with any kind of sugar you like such as piloncillo, brown sugar, honey, etc.
May 16
Hi Pati,
I tried the tepache recipe, but there really weren’t many bubbles in the liquid after 2 days and 12 hours. I then added the beer, but still there wasn’t anything I could see. I imagine that I should see discernible, obvious bubbles and foaming, yes? I was a afraid to get vinegar, so I went ahead and strained it. I tastes pretty good, like pineapple cinnamon juice, but I don’t think it’s just the way it’s supposed to be. Is it still too cold to make it? It was snowing here in Illinois this morning! Also, if you make it in the summer, does the air conditioning affect the fermentation process? Do you ever leave it outside to ferment? Many questions, but I am determined to get it right! Is there an ideal temperature?
We tried your ribs tonight–they are so tasty!
May 11
Hi Pati,
My husband and I really love watching your show–we agree that you are adorable and so much fun to watch. I recently bought your cookbook and can’t wait to try some of the recipes. I did make the flourless chocolate cake I saw on an episode, and it was so easy and delicious.
I am going to try the tepache, your ribs, and the potato salad with poblanos. I have company coming in early June and those look like something I’d love to serve. I will report back to you when I do!
Love seeing you and your family, too.
Thanks for everything–it’s great to have new things to try!
May 11
Thank you, Connie! Please do report back!
Joe W. D.
Dec 29
I love your show. It is so nice to get to see authentic Mexican food being made.
Your tepache Recipe looks great, but I wonder what would happen if you added a teaspoon of baker’s yeast to bump up the fermentation process.
Thank you again.
Jan 01
Thank you Joe! Have never thought about that option. Tell you what: would love to hear what happens if you decide to experiment with it!
Nov 25
tengo que decir que usando piloncillo molido pulpa de pina molida y no usar calor mas que el necesario para la fermentacion lo hace mucho mejor y acelera la fermentacion.
Oct 24
Que rico justo y cuando se me antoja! Ahora no tendras una receta de pulque?
Oct 27
La trato de poner pronto!
Oct 17
how is the actual alcohol content though?
Oct 18
Extremely light.
Sep 22
con este frio se antoja ese tepache y lo voy hacer que se antoja
Sep 28
Qué bueno!
Lisa Vargas
Sep 01
I LOVE your recipes and tried many of them. I came across this one after doing a search for tepache to answer a friends question.( I’m already into day 2 of making a batch) I’ve made it many times for my husband who is from Michoacan. My recipe is very similar to yours except I have never boiled the water. I just put it all in a bowl and cover and let sit outside ( I should note we live in Florida and its 90+ degrees out) I have always used beer but last time I didn’t have any, I forgot about it and it sat an extra day or two. When my husband tried it, he said it tasted like he remembered in Mexico. This was the first time he said that. It’s funny how sometimes mistakes create new recipes that bring back old memories.
Sep 03
Hola Lisa, Thank you for taking time to write me & sharing your experiences making tepache! Soo funny about the mistake leading you to perfect your recipe. Happens to me too! 🙂
Aug 30
Hello Patti! I highly enjoy your show and learning all these new things im from Jalisico but have never had it. I am attempting to make it but there is a lot of blue white green mold growing on top so as long as I just scoop it out its safe to drink? Thanks Patti!
Sep 11
Yes!! Just scoop it out, no worries. As soon as it is ready, keep it in the fridge.
Aug 06
Si kiero aser lo doble de tepache ,,,, tengo ke dejarlo fermentar por lo doble de tiempo???
Aug 16
No Tony, el mismo tiempo….
Aug 06
Me and my wife really like your show ,,,, and I was wandering if u have any kind of ivent in colorado anytime soon ,,,,,, grasias ,,,
Aug 12
Hola Tony, I really appreciate you watching the show with your wife! Thank you!! I don’t have anything scheduled in Colorado at this time, but I would love to do something in Colorado.
Jul 01
The reason the tepache tasted like vinegar is because more oxygen got inside of it, if oxygen enter then the fermentation turns to vinegar, if very little to no oxygen enters then
It will turn to alcohol
Cinnamon Vogue
Nov 15
To be authentic this recipe must use Mexican Cinnamon (also known as Ceylon Cinnamon) which is very different to the Cassia Cinnamon you get in the US. The taste if you use Cassia Cinnamon is very different.
When you use Ceylon Cinnamon it blends in to create a complex flavor. Plus its sweeter. If you use Cassia Cinnamon then it tastes overtly Cinnamony and spicy. Mexican Cinnamon is brittle and often it is broken into small pieces so the flavor comes out.
But I love the photos and instructions. Nicely done.
Oct 12
Hi Pati,
I have just returned from a Mexico trip, and was able to sneak 2 bottles of “tepache” in progress back to Canada. I had to do quiet a lot of searching to find tepache, but am psyched to have some. I got mine from a person in Tepic, who had a 5 gallon water bottle of the stuff. He suggested that I cover the mouth of my two liqueur bottles with plastic, poke a hole in the plastic and let sit for 5 days, then try and if it was not strong enough, to add sugar, shake and let sit for 2 more days. I also have not seen any bubbling or any indication that it is doing anything; what should I be expecting this too taste like?
Thanks for any advice, I am glad to have found your site.
Pati Jinich
Nov 05
David, You know, sometimes it depends on where you are located. If it’s cold and dry outside, it will take longer to ferment — wait a couple of days longer. For the taste, it only matters if you enjoy it!
May 21
Hi, Paty.
I followed the recipe step by step and the Tepache hasn’t fermented properly after 17 days. I found your recipe interesting because I love brown sugar and cloves, but I’m not so sure they match with this refreshing drink.
The original recipe we use in Mexico utilizes the skin of the pineapple, left in water for about three days (it’s very hot here) and then we sweeten it with sugar
De guanatos
Jan 01
Muy cierto es receta original. aveces a
mucha gente les gusta esperimentar con lo autentico…
Apr 06
Tepache has been one of those summer things in my parents house since I can remember… How does it affect the flavor when you add the beer?
I really like when chefs make a point of using real cinnamon and not cassia. Not many make that point
Pati Jinich
Apr 09
Thank you for your question! The only way to describe the addition of the beer is that it adds a nice subtle beer or fermented yeast flavor. Try it with and without the beer to see which way you prefer!
Leslie Tighe
Nov 14
Hi Patti,
Just happened across your sight and it sounds most interesting. I love to know about all Mexican Traditions. I would like to know what brand of knife do you have since you love it so much . One day I hope to own a great knife of my own. I just haven’t found one yet.
Pati Jinich
Nov 17
Hola Leslie, I use Viking and Shun knives and like them both! 🙂
Sep 28
My jar of tepache is not bubbling and does not taste fermented at all. It’s been 3 days, want should i do?
Pati Jinich
Sep 30
Hi Kobi, the lack of bubbling may have to do with the weather. If it has been 3 days, I would wait another day to see if it bubbles. If it still doesn’t, strain and drink..it will still taste delicious! 🙂
Scott Jochum
Aug 06
I had never heard of tepache before today, but I went to a Mexican market/cafe in West St. Paul, MN just this afternoon, and with my gorditas they were offering tepache, of course I had to try it. At first, I wasn’t sure I liked it, a little strong-tasting. Then I added some ice, and enjoyed it more.
Pati Jinich
Aug 09
Scott, I’m so glad that you were adventurous and tried tepache. I’m also happy that the flavor grew on you. Keep exploring!
Jul 23
Hi Pati,your Tepache looks good, and I always wanted to lear how to do it, and thanks to you I will. I’m allways lucking for now recipes to enjoy with my family, and yours will help me.. Thanks
Jul 18
Hi Pati, as someone mentioned above, I also do not heat the water when I make tepache. I found a recipie (have not been able to find it since) for tepache and it was pretty much the same as yours. Except that they added about 1 inch or 2 of fresh ginger. This gives it a great flavor.
I am a first generation mexican-american and my family did not make tepache, so there are no childhood memories. I hope I am making some for my family though.
Jul 15
I am sorry to tell you thata this Tepache has also been made in the island of Hispaniola which is nowadays Dominican Republic, since the times of the native Tainos which would be 1492 and before…. Sorry!
ps it’s called Mabi
Luis B.
Jun 28
Stumbled across this recipe and was almost brought to tears remembering my great aunt Esther who made this about once a week. She was alwayd telling us kids about Apache attacks on her family’s ranch and fighting them of with an old Winchester lever action that I still have. I am first generation with lots of family still farming and ranching in the sierras of Chihuahua, Mexico. My childhood recollection (60+ years ago) is that it was just the pineapple rind, water, clove and a small amount of pilocillo. I think it was ready in about 2-3 days. There was no concern over the very small alcohol content as all the kids down to toddlers drank it. I will be making some in the next day or two and toasting Tia Esther. Thanks!
Pati Jinich
Jul 01
Hey Luis, that’s wonderful that you tried out my recipe for tepache! And I’m touched about the story of your grandmother. I hope it came out just as you remembered it!
Don Cuevas
May 24
Looks good, but I’d be sure that a clay pot is certified lead free before making tepache in it.
I use a food safe plastic storage container, or one of those Mexican glass “barrels” such as used for vending aguas frescas.
Don Cuevas
Kim Douglas
Oct 12
Don, you’ll probably never see this since you posted in 2011 but wish you could because there is no such thing as safe plastic. Food safe plastic is a joke, albeit a bad one that makes me very sad; plastic is everywhere and poisoning us to death, esp. little children. Pay attention to how much their lives are saturated in plastic. Do some evidence based research and do yourself a favor by getting rid of your food safe plastic bucket that contains lead too, probably as much or more than the Mexican pot if it is not lead free. Plastic also contains cadmium and mercury, (you know, that stuff they poison us with in our teeth fillings and root canals? Do some evidence based research again even tho dentists swear it’s not enough to hurt you. Really. Not enough???)plus many other deadly ingredients. That’s why there is no such thing as true organic food if they water with plastic tubing and cover with black (plastic) mulch, which most organic growers do. You can’t live plastic free (I tried) but you can control somewhat by reducing the amount you are exposed to by using glass, stainless steel, natural wax paper and even giving up things you love to eat or drink because it’s been soaked in plastic, like juices, canned goods (lined in plastic,)etc.
Apr 06
Hi Pati,
Great visual tour of the tepache process! I wish more people knew about this delicious Jalisco beverage.
I am a passable home brewer, and have a few comments on the process. I have a batch going now using just the rinds, and honey rather than piloncillo. The method I found does not call for simmering, however; no heat at all in fact. You just wash (rinse) the pineapples thoroughly, then pack the rinds in a jar, cover them with water, add the honey and spices (I use a cinnamon stick and some allspice berries) and then cover the jar with plastic wrap and a rubber band. The natural yeasts in the rind do the fermenting, but there are other microbes on the rinds (like the vinegar-producing Acetobacter). This brings me to my question – if you add the rinds to boiling liquid, how does the yeast survive the heat? This method would surely be effective for discouraging Acetobacter, but I would think a no-boil method would allow yeast fermentation to occur more quickly. So perhaps, boiling the liquid first would sterilize the vessel and the liquid, then waiting until they have come down to room temp before adding the pineapple – this seems like the best of both worlds.
And by the way, adding a beer may have been a traditional part of the recipe (and provided a dose of cultured beer yeast to speed fermentation) but unfortunately Dos Equis and pretty much all big-brand bottled lagers do not contain living yeast cells. They are sterile filtered for longer shelf life. So adding a beer will only lend the tepache a bit of beer flavor, nothing more. Unless of course you can find a bottle-conditioned craft beer that contains living yeast!
Pati Jinich
Apr 06
Hi Amahl,
I so appreciate your comment. And most certainly think that what you are proposing offers the best of both worlds and I will try it the next time I make it… and will report right back 🙂
Marie Fignar
Mar 06
Hola Pati,
I was in East L.A. tonight and we happened upon a Birreria and to my great delight they had Tepache! I hadn’t had it in years and it was SO good. As soon as I got home, I got online to check out how it’s made. I remember my parents making it when I was young but they only used the rind. Your site is wonderful and it brings back many memories of my summers in Mexico and living in Guadalajara. We are so fortunate to have so many diverse, tasty foods in our Mexican culture.
Gracias y saludos de CA,
Pati Jinich
Mar 07
Hi Marie,
Oh I love Birria! Haven’t made it in a while… This is the perfect time to start making some Tepache… hope you enjoy the recipe ; )
Feb 19
Hi Pati,
Your recipe for tepache sounds good I have tried to make it myself with a glass container and lid, I use only the left overs of the pineapple peels and I use two cones of piloncillo and then add all this to the glass container with spring water I dont even use a whole gallon of spring water then I just cover it at set it aside. But then a mold starts to grow on top! Now I have asked some people about this mold and they say its ok. My concern is, is it safe to have this mold grow or has my tepache gone bad and should not be drunk? I dont know what to do. They say the longer I leave it fermenting the stronger the brew but I dont know the mold thing just looks gross and I dont want to try it. Can you please help?
Pati Jinich
Mar 01
Hi Armando,
As part of the fermentation process foam may start to form on the top. Just scoop it out! When Tepache is ready, just leave it for time specified in recipe, strain it and refrigerate it. You should have no problem!
Nov 30
If the “mold” is fuzzy then its true mold – you should throw it out!! it can make you sick.
Jan 12
Dear Pati!
I love Tepache! I generally make it during the summer when the weather is perfect for fermenting. It takes like sunshine, and smells like a perfect summer day. By the way I just LOVE your clay pot!! It is beautiful! I am so happy I found your blog!
Pati Jinich
Jan 13
I agree about Tepache tasting like sunshine ; ) By the way, that clay pot comes from the state of Michoacán.
Dec 15
Saludos Pati!
I really enjoy your website. As a first generation Mexican-American gal I really dig your recipes! They make me reminsce of Mexico. Even though I was not born and raised there, my family usually spent 3 months out of the year there throughout my childhood. It is great to see you spin a different perspective on Mexican food and culture then what is usually put out there.
I’m commenting on this particular recipe not only because I am a lush but because it reminded me of one of the many stories my Mother shared with me. Here’s how it went: My Father and my maternal Grandmother spiked my Mom’s drink one Summer day with Tepache while they were out at a park. My mother remembers being so drunk that she was found hours later with her head in a pond conversing with fish! Needless to say we always have a good laugh from this story, with my Mom crying from the laughter!
Again, thanks Pati for putting together such a great site!
Pati Jinich
Dec 17
Dear Janie,
I enjoyed so much reading your Tepache story!!! It is hilarious. I am so happy you enjoy my blog, I will keep on posting here, so let me know if you have any special cravings….
Sep 04
Are you planning on doing another class on Jalisco anytime soon?
Also, do you have a cooking event scheduled during Hispanic Heritage Month?
Pati Jinich
Sep 04
Hi Gwen,
Yes! There is a class scheduled for September 23rd, focused on the Spanish influence in Mexican cooking. I may do another set of regionally focused sessions in 2011…
Aug 18
I love my knife, too!
Pati Jinich
Aug 21
Oh Olivia, I do, I do , I do!
Jennifer Leal
Jul 29
Thanks Pati.
I’d love to try this sometime.
Jennifer Leal
Jul 28
Sounds refreshing!
Now, how much alcohol is in it? Or is it weak?
Pati Jinich
Jul 28
Hi Jen,
It is very refreshing and as far as the alcohol, it is barely there! Incredibly weak…
Apr 15
use tequila
Apr 15
Gracias, Matt!