chiles en nogada


OK… Chiles en Nogada, at last!

During the years I’ve been teaching at the Mexican Cultural Institute I’ve been hesitant to demonstrate and serve Chiles en Nogada. There are many reasons…

First, one of my goals has been to open a window into the world of Mexican cooking in an accessible way. I’ve introduced basic ingredients and dishes along with bits of their history, fun facts, cooking methods and new spins, so people can become familiar with this cuisine and feel empowered to play with its basics in their own kitchens.

No sense in teaching how to make something incredibly complex with tons of new ingredients, which can be quite overwhelming, right?

Chiles in Nogada are laborious. They use many ingredients, such as Poblano chiles, plantains, and piloncillo, that require a proper introduction by themselves or in a simpler dish.

piloncillo for chiles en nogada
Piloncillo in a disk, a cone and shredded. Also called panela, can be substituted with dark brown sugar.

Also, Chiles in Nogada look strange. If you are not familiar with them, you see a large green chile overstuffed with an odd looking filling, covered in a pale looking sauce and pomegranate seeds on top. What’s more, they are served lukewarm, which is unexpected.

Let me add more. Since they are so rich and complex, they are typically served on their own. They don’t like the company of much more than white rice or a freshly favored water….

All this said… I am making them for my next class!! Let me tell you how this came to be.

To start with, the topic is Celebrating Independence Day with Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.

Chiles in Nogada are the quintessential dish eaten throughout the country on this day, and for the whole month of September. It is is a symbol, although there are many versions for how they came to be  (ladies in waiting celebrating a military victory, young nuns welcoming a famous presidents, and a people’s way of celebrating the seasons’ bounty) they all agree it was created with the colors of the Mexican flag in mind: green chile, white walnut sauce and red pomegranate.

Other years, I had gotten away with making other dishes prepared for this holiday that aren’t so labor intensive and just as good. However, the second part of the topic made it harder. Frida and Diego, one of Mexico’s most iconic figures who embody Mexicanidad and they ate Chiles in Nogada during this holiday. And believe me, I thoroughly researched, trying to find other things they also ate then!!

chiles en nogada filling
Moist filling of meat seasoned with garlic, onion, tomatoes, fruits, nuts, olives and spices…

The last straw came when Humberto (coordinator at the Institute) sent me the proof for the invite for the classes. The cover? Chiles en Nogada. I wasn’t going to change something that had hours of work involved already. And yes, Chiles en Nogada are such a staple. And…OK! If they are in the cover, I have to make them.

So with the fear of not wanting to scare away our guests with such complex dish on the back of my mind, I set on a quest to find the most delicious recipe. Remembering how every year I, along with millions of Mexicans and Mexican food aficionados, await for September to be able to eat this deliciously extravagant dish, I had to find the best version to share.

I began by making the version I grew up eating made by my nana, who gave me detailed instructions over the phone. Then I tried my mothers’ sophisticated take. Then I compared the two, and even mixed things of one into the other (oh sacrilege! the eternal culinary competition of my memories). Then I made Guadalupe Rivera’s version (Diego Rivera’s daughter), followed by Diana Kennedy’s… and any other I could find. Misery! I could not get the exquisite result I remembered savoring time and again.

Frustrated, as she saw me, Alejandra de la Paz (Director of the Mexican Cultural Institute) contacted Don Luis Bello Morin, director at the Restaurant of Palacio Nacional de las Bellas Artes in Mexico City. It took no more than a couple hours for him to respond with a recipe which included possible substitutions for hard to find ingredients and a detailed guide to make them. His instructions were so precise, that it was like having a co-pilot throughout the ride: he described the minutes, the smells, the sounds and textures to be found through his tested road to make the best ever Chiles en Nogada I have ever tried.

Not only was he so generous to share his recipe, but the results went beyond my expectations.  Since he loves to share recipes so that dishes such as this will not be lost, here is his adapted recipe (since the one he sent is for an industrial quantity). Thank you Don Luis!

As for my hesitations: I can’t wait to share this recipe and all the stories I’ve gathered for next class. In hindsight, I have been so pleasantly surprised with the eagerness of participants to eat and cook many more things than I would have expected. Of course, Chiles en Nogada are at the end of labor intensive spectrum, but they are so worth it.

Now, if you feel like making this recipe, let me know how it turned out. If you don’t and really want to try it, come to my next class!

Chiles en Nogada

Recipe adapted from Don Luis Bello Morin

Recipe Yield

10 chiles en nogada

Cooking time

3 hours 20 minutes

Rate this recipe

4.67 from 6 votes


For the chiles:

  • 10 chiles poblanos
  • 6 cups water
  • 5 tablespoons shredded or chopped piloncillo or brown sugar

For the meat:

  • 2 pounds pork shoulder butt, leg or ribs or a combination of meats such as veal and beef, deboned and cut into chunks
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/4 white onion
  • 1 carrot peeled, cut into two pieces
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme or a couple fresh thyme sprigs
  • 5 black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon kosher or coarse sea salt

For the filling:

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup white onion chopped
  • 1 pound ripe tomatoes pureed, or about 2 cups tomato puree
  • All the cooked meat finely chopped
  • 2 cups meat cooking broth
  • 1 teaspoon kosher or coarse sea salt
  • 3 ounces candied pineapple chopped
  • 1 cup ripe plantain peeled and diced, about 1 1/4
  • 1 diced Bartlett pear about 1 1/4 cup
  • 1 diced Golden Delicious apple about 1 1/4 cup
  • 1 large yellow peach mature but firm, diced, about 1 1/4 cup
  • Pinch of cumin
  • Pinch of ground cloves or 4 to 5 whole cloves seeds smashed and stems discarded
  • 1 ceylon or true cinnamon stick
  • 1/4 cup blonde raisins
  • 1/4 cup silvered almonds lightly toasted
  • 1/4 cup pinenuts lightly toasted
  • 1/4 cup chopped manzanilla olives

For walnut or pecan sauce:

  • 1 1/2 cup freshly peeled walnuts if not fresh DON'T use packaged, use pecans
  • 2 1/2 cups heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup milk more or less to taste
  • 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar or more to taste
  • Pinch kosher or coarse sea salt or to taste
  • Pinch of ground white pepper
  • 1 tablespoon Dry Sherry or more to taste

For the garnishes:

  • 1 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1/4 chopped parsley optional

To Prepare

To prepare the chiles:

  • Rinse and char chiles. To char, you can either place them on a baking sheet or pan under the broiler, directly on the grill, hot comal or directly on an open fire flame. In any case, turn every 2 to 3 minutes until they are charred and blistered but not burnt. Place them, while very hot, in a plastic bag. Close bag tightly and cover with a kitchen towel. Let them sweat for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Take them out one by one, and peel off the skin in the sink. As you do so, lightly rinse the chile with water. With a knife, make a slit down one side to take out and discard the seeds and membrane. Treat the flesh carefully so it will not tear and keep the stem on. Place them in a container and cover with the water previously simmered with the piloncillo or sugar until well diluted, anywhere from 2 to 24 hours. If it is more than 2 hours, place them in the refrigerator, covered once they have cooled down. Drain and either use or store in the refrigerator. You can prepare them 4 to 5 days ahead up to this point.

To prepare the filling:

  • Place the meat already cut into 3 to 4" chunks on the bottom of a cooking pot along with the garlic cloves, 1/4 white onion, carrot, bay leaves, thyme, peppercorns and a teaspoon of salt. Cover with water and place over medium high heat. Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes, until meat is cooked through. Turn off the heat and let the meat and broth cool down. remove the meat with a slotted spoon and chop it finely, reserve. Strain the broth into a container, reserve.
  • Heat the olive oil in a large deep saute pan over medium high heat. Add the garlic clove and saute for a minute or until it starts becoming fragrant, but don't let it brown. Add the onion and saute for a couple more minutes, until it becomes translucent and soft and starts gaining some color. Pour in the tomato puree and let it season, stirring often, for about 5 to 7 minutes, until it has deepened its color, thickened its consistency and lost its raw flavor.
  • Incorporate the chopped meat, 2 cups of cooking broth, a teaspoon of salt, mix it all together and let it cook 3 to 4 minutes. Add the candied pineapple, mix with the meat and let it cook for 4 to 5 minutes. Incorporate the chopped plantain, pear, apple, and peach and gently mix it all together, let it cook for a couple minutes. Sprinkle the cumin and ground cloves, making sure you mix those spices well. Place a cinnamon stick in the middle of the pan, cover with a lid, lower the heat to medium and let it cook for about 8 to 10 minutes.
  • Uncover, add the raisins, almonds, pine nuts, green olives, mix well and taste for salt. Add more if need be. Turn off the heat. You can make the filling up to 2 days in advance, cool, cover and refrigerate.

To prepare the sauce:

  • Place all ingredients except the Sherry in the blender and puree until smooth. You can make the sauce a couple days in advance, but bring it to out room temperature before using. Mix the Sherry into the sauce up to 2 hours before serving. Add more to taste, but it shouldn't have a strong alcohol flavor. If it thickened while in the refrigerator, lighten it up with some milk.
  • Finally!!!! To assemble Chiles en Nogada: Place the chiles in a serving platter. Stuff each one with about 1/2 cup filling. Close as best you can. Generously spoon walnut or pecan sauce on top to cover chiles entirely and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and chopped parsley on top.
  • NOTE: Some cooks batter and fry the chiles before adding the sauce. But that version is much heavier and has become less and less popular over time.


105comments inOK… Chiles en Nogada, at last!

  1. Olivia Saldana

    Sep 15

    Fantasticos, riquìsimos, deliciosos, exquisitos; mmmm yyummmy!!!❤️❤️ ….se terminator demasiado pronto!😃

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 28

      Jajaja, eso es una buena noticia Olivia!

  2. Leticia

    Sep 14

    Should the sauce be cold or room temperature? Should the stuffed chilis be served warm or at room temperature?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 28

      I like the chiles a bit warm and the nogada sauce at room temperature Leticia 😉

  3. Elizabeth J

    Nov 30

    I have been wanting to make this dish for years! This recipe looks amazing. Question though. Could I skip the acitrón/candied pineapple so the dish isn’t as sweet?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Dec 08

      No problem at all Elizabeth, just skip it 🙂

  4. Mindy B

    Sep 05

    This is the closest recipe I’ve seen to the dish I learned to prepare in Puebla – it was a very old cookbook. The recipe did not include olives or pine nuts, and the proportion of fruit to meat was higher. It was the specialty of our exchange student’s mother (whom we visited when our borrowed daughter graduated from high school) and all the women sat around the kitchen table cutting everything into precise cubes, cutting each almond into exactly 6 pieces. Mom (Coty) cooked the filling in a huge cazuela, and it sat overnight for the flavors to blend. The chiles were dipped in flour, then beaten eggwhite, then fried. When I have made it, I only fried them once. It is enough work already! The sauce was made with blanchedwalnu ts, which Coty could buy locally – lucky!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 20

      So glad you liked this recipe and that it brought back nice memories Mindy!

  5. David W. Baker

    Feb 28

    Thanks for this amazing recipe! I searched hard for acitrón, unsuccessfully, and then learned that the cactus it’s made from is an endangered species due to excessive consumption and it’s currently illegal to extract. Is that incorrect, or is this recipe from a time when the product wasn’t so problematic?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Mar 13

      You are correct, for now you can leave the acitron out 🙁


    Sep 25

    Are you suggesting that we serve the chiles en nogada cold or room temperature? I have made them hot.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 11

      I’ll go with room temperature 🙂

  7. Anita

    Sep 01

    If you want a vegetarian version… what substitute for the meat?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 05

      I would do very finely minced portobellos, how about that!

  8. Shauna

    Aug 02

    I love, love, love Chiles en Nogada at Houston restaurant, Pico’s. I can’t wait to try yours!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Aug 09

      Well, this is the season Shauna! Let me know how you like this recipe 😉

  9. Scott

    Jan 11

    Is this served cold? Also, if we’re not afraid of a little heat from the poblanos can I skip the soaking step or will that throw off the dish? Thank you and we enjoyed your TV trip to San Carlos/Guaymus.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jan 17

      Yes Scott, Chiles en Nogada are traditionally served room temperature and by all means go ahead and skip the soaking. Good luck!

  10. James

    Dec 25

    My fiance had this in Mexico City and raved about it. I haven’t been able to try it because I don’t eat beef or pork. I made this for Christmas with chicken thighs instead. I also had to substitute rehydrated apricots for the peach since those are nowhere to be found in Dallas in December.
    I have to say this tasted amazing. The sauce is so rich and the stuffing has so much going on, you have to take your time and really savor this dish.
    Thank you for making this covid Christmas for two a bit special. I think we have a new Christmas tradition.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jan 06

      Thanks for the feedback James! So glad you guys enjoyed the Chiles en Nogada with your own twist, yay 😉

  11. Roxana L.

    Dec 17

    Hi Pati,
    I’m cooking dinner for my friends this weekend. I’m introducing them to this wonderful dish and the more gourmet cooking of Mexico. Should I have anything to accompany this dish on the side? Do you have suggestions for a starter? Dessert – .. or maybe it’s just so good nothing is needed as a side..

    1. Pati Jinich

      Dec 19

  12. robin shuster

    Oct 12

    I am making the Chiles en Nogada for our cookbook club — you are this month’s selected chef/author. One question: I wonder what the purpose is of the very lightly sweetened piloncillo water. ( 5 tablespoons in 6 cups of water) in which you submerge the peeled, seeded poblanos for 2-24 hours. Looking forward to serving the final dish tomorrow! Thanks!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 19

      Oh I’m so honored to be this month’s chef, Robin! Thank you. You do that to the poblanos to tame their heat. Poblanos are capricious. Their heat can range from mild to hot. And putting them in some sugar and water once they are charred and peeled helps to tame them. Have a great cookbook club!

  13. Marie-Lyse Jacobsmuhlen

    Sep 30

    I’m a grandmother from Sri Lanka now living in Ajijic JAL Mx.My visiting grownup grandson helped me cook up this wonderful recipe.We used ground beef but incorporated all the required herbs spices and condiments.
    Used Mx.crema for the sauce taking the extra time and trouble to skin the walnuts!I have never eaten anything in my life that compares to the lovely complexity of textures and flavors in this dish .Thank-you for this great authentic recipe ,that showcases the best of Traditional Mexican cuisine,that is worthy of being the national Showpiece of Mexico!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 30

      I’m so happy you guys enjoyed the recipe, Marie-Lyse.

  14. Aracely Curtis

    Sep 16

    Pati, I’m from Monterrey, Mexico and have lived in the States for a while. I have never tried Chile’s en Nogada and was wondering if they are sweet at all or should they be sweet? When I was in Puebla, I asked for them, but it was in the spring and they didn’t make them then. 😭 I’m itching to try your recipe, but since I’ve never had them I’m afraid I’ll mess them up and not like them.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 10

      There is sweetness in the dish but also savory notes, Aracely. I hope you give them a try soon!

  15. Sandra Angel

    Sep 15

    I need to make this recipe now, so far all the once I have done have taste so good! 😋😊

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 16

      Thank you Sandra!

  16. Little Kosher Lunch

    Sep 15

    You cannot scare me away! Those sound worth every ounce of effort. What beauties?!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 16


  17. Jane Wilcox

    Sep 15

    This does seem complicated but I am willing to try it. I have a serious question though. Have you run across, in your travels, anyone substituting coconut or almond milk for the dairy in recipes like this? My six-year-old granddaughter is allergic to dairy, but she is also enrolled in a Spanish emersion school. I know they are going to be making, sharing Latin cooking sometime during the year, and we are going to run into this problem. We have access to fake non-dairy cheeses for her (she doesn’t know the difference) and we have successfully substituted the non-dairy “milks” in other things. I have not tried it in Latin dishes yet. When we eat out at Mexican places, she eats guac and chips, and maybe fajitas. Help!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 03

      You can for sure give your favorite non-dairy milk a try in the recipe, Jane. I hope you granddaughter and you enjoy the chiles!

  18. Christine T.

    Sep 15

    Is acitron actually candied citron, the sort of thing used in the US for our ghastly holiday fruitcakes? It’s usually available in US supermarkets at this time of year.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 17

      It’s actually made of cactus. Here’s some more info, Christine: If you can’t find it at your local store, you can use candied pineapple.

  19. Rodger

    Sep 14

    Thank you for sharing this cultural treasure.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 16

      Thanks for giving it a try, Rodger!

  20. Gail Seich

    Sep 14

    A lot of prep work, but it sounds easy enough! Diego Rivera IS one of my favorite painters especially after I saw his murals all over Mexico City! And I like Frida too! So in honor of them, and you and that my heart lies in Mexico…..I am going to try this recipe! I have eaten a lot of “different” foods in different parts of Mexico but I never had this dish, Meat and fruit etc. Can’t wait!!! Thanks for sharing the history and recipes!!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 16

      What wonderful reasons to give this recipe a try, Gail.

  21. Pamela Scribner

    Sep 14

    Okay, I’ve tried many of your recipes & I love love love the chicken pibil. So I am going to try this one!
    I’m so glad your show is on PBS….kudos for that one! I just love your show so much! 💕
    It has been challenging to find ingredients in my small corner of Kansas but it’s getting better! I have located banana leaves, several varieties of dried chilies & achiote paste.
    Love the shows that you have your sons on. So personable & so cute! I missed my children as they left home as well.
    Thank you!.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 24

      I’m happy to hear you will give this recipe a try too, Pamela. Enjoy it…and many more!

  22. Meridee

    Sep 13

    I ordered this in a restaurant in Tonala. I had never heard of it but it was their specialty. It was delicious! With every mouthful, I loved it more and more. I can’t wait to try to make it. Thank you!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 16

      I hope you enjoy it as much as the ones in Tonala, Meridee.

  23. Grace Bosco

    Sep 13

    Hola Pati,
    I enjoy your site and recipes, you motivate me to try different recipes. Muchas Gracias!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 16

      So happy to hear you have been motivated to try some of the recipes, Grace.

  24. Nellie

    Sep 13

    I have made Chiles en Nogada in the past and they are delicious. Can’t wait to try your recipe. Love your show.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 16

      Thank you for tuning in, Nellie.

  25. Beth Hastings

    Sep 13

    As soon as I saw the photo, I knew I had to try this! “Like Water for Chocolate” is one of my very favorite movies, and I could see scenes from it, as I read through the list of ingredients.

    Just to clarify, when you say “fresh” walnuts, would that be the same as “raw” or ”unroasted?” Also, if I have to peel the walnuts myself, the only method I know involves blanching, which would mean they were no longer “fresh,” right? I just don’t want them to turn bitter and ruin the sauce.

    Thanks you for this and your many other amazing recipes! I’ve learned so much from watching you and Rick Bayless on PBS over the years!

    Muchas gracias, Pati! 😊

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 10

      If you can’t find any fresh walnuts to peel (which is laborious) don’t use the already peeled and packaged walnuts, since they will give a bitter taste to the sauce. Just substitute with pecans. You get a very similar taste, and the only difference is that the sauce will not be as white. Enjoy the chiles, Beth!

  26. Graciela Collaxo

    Sep 13

    I will definitely try this sept. Thks a lot

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 16

      Enjoy, Graciela!

  27. iris zvi

    Sep 12

    Am totally inspired and will definitely making this September.
    Thank you for the cultural lesson and what is obviously the best recipe.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 13

      Thank YOU for giving the recipe a try, Iris.

  28. Fran Harrod

    Sep 12

    Love your show and recipes. Muchos gracias!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 13

      Thank you, Fran!

  29. Margy

    Sep 12

    If you ever read Laura Esquivel’s book “Like Water for Chocolate/Como Agua para Chocolate”, she has a wonderful chapter on making these chiles incorporated into the book’s storyline.
    I’ll have to take a long weekend and make these!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 13

      Yes! And I hope you enjoy making them, Margy.

  30. Karen Burke

    Sep 12

    Finally, an authentic recipe for a dish I first tasted in San Miguel D’Allende while there for Day of the Dead festivities. I had never before tasted such an exquisite dish, but I could not find a recipe to replicate until now. Thank you!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 13

      I hope it brings back wonderful memories of San Miguel, Karen!

  31. Cindy

    Sep 12

    Do you have a video of you making this recipe I learn more by watching your videos

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 13

      I don’t have a video….

  32. Maria Mejia

    Sep 12

    Pretty labor-intensive for me but worth it. The only thing I changed here was the sauce. I used 2 cups of heavy cream and 1 cup of Crema. No milk. Why? I thought the nuts hung in the sauce better and they did. It looked creamier, less pale, and more appetizing.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 13

      I’m so glad you made it your own, Maria!

  33. Anonymous

    Sep 12

    I haven’t try this yet. All I can say, is that you are awesome. Everything I make from you is delicious.
    Thank you Pati.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 13

      Aww thank you!

  34. Harley Liebenson

    Sep 12

    Any way to make this without the dairy ingredients?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 03

      You can give your favorite non-dairy milk a try, Harley!

  35. sandra

    Mar 28

    Hi Pati,

    where can i find the recipe for the barbacoa you made on one of the shows, that one you used plantain leaves and avocado leaves.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Mar 29

  36. Pati Jinich » Acitrón

    Dec 28

    […] the flavors of those other ingredients. It is used to make many dishes such as the famous Chiles en Nogada, picadillos or meat fillings for other chiles and tamales, in their savory or sweet takes, as well […]

  37. Tez @ Chile and Salt

    Dec 21

    Hi Pati,
    Just want to say hi & tell you how much I enjoy your site & recipes! I made these last night & they were amazing!! Was craving Chiles en Nogada for awhile & these were perfect!
    Thanks so much!!

    1. Pati

      Dec 23

      My pleasure!

  38. Abbey

    Sep 15

    Hummm… And my hubby and I still struggle making Chili Pobolanos… I could leave a pic of our last effort, but we would be laughed off planet earth!!

    1. Pati

      Sep 16

  39. Sarah

    Sep 02

    Hi Pati – I’m about to try this recipe for a dinner party and I have a question. It’s my understanding that this should be served luke-warm…if I have prepared and refrigerated everything ahead of time should I simply remove all of the separate pieces from the refrigerator a certain amount of time before dinner and allow them to come to room temperature or can I assemble and then heat up in the oven for a short period of time? Any advice?

    1. Pati

      Sep 02

      Gerat idea to prepare ahead of time. Just bring out to room temperature and assemble before serving, Should be delicious!

  40. Blanca

    Aug 21

    Mil mil gracias! Seguramente saldran delciosos,pues todo lo que he preparado tuyo esta exquisito! Compre tu libro y la recetas que subes a Facebook imediatamente lo guardo en Pinterest. Gracias por mostrarle a este pais lo bien que se come en mi Mexico!!!!

  41. Blanca

    Aug 21

    Hola Pati,
    mil gracias por esta receta. Siempre he querido aprender a hacer los chiles en nogada! Estoy segura que estaran deliciosos!!! Todas las recetas tuyas salen riquisimas ya que he preparado varias! Compre tu libro y lo que pones en Facebook enseguida lo pongo en Pintrest. Mil mil gracias por proporcionarme tanta receta de mi Mexico.

    1. Pati

      Aug 22

      Gracias, Blanca!!

  42. bonnie winston

    Oct 25

    hi pati,

    i just heard you on npr, sharing the story of the day of the dead & yummy sounding related recipes, which i’m eager to try. i even have some beautiful clay heads, often used on the pan de muerto, which i brought home from mexico years ago,and it will be great to use them,as intended.
    i’d love to make the pumpkin mole but my son-in-law is allergic to all orange/yellow vegetables & fruits!? is there anything i might substitute that would come anywhere close? close?
    if you’re wondering why i’m on the chiles en nogada site,i was delighted to learn of you & loved your cheery enthusiasm and obvious knowledge on the air. so i immediately went to your blog & had to see if you had anything on one of my most favorite dishes of all time. i have made it and it is complicated indeed and worth the trouble. i can’t wait to try your version.
    you might share with your followers that if they live in a city with a trader joe’s, they almost always have fresh pomegranate seeds in their produce dept all year round.
    what city do you live/teach in and when is your food show on the air?
    keep up the good work!

    1. Pati

      Oct 27

      Thank you Bonnie! And so glad to hear about the pomegranate seeds being found all year in Trader Joe’s. Depending on where you live, what time your local public station will air my show… can you send them an email or call to ask? You can also look into their website. It does air nationally!

  43. Aviva

    Feb 13

    Hi Pati as always this recipe sounds fantastic,the one problem is i keep kosher so we don’t mix milk & meat for the cream i was wondering if i could substitute coconut milk & i will be using beef since we don’t eat pork!! Thank You Again

    1. Pati

      Feb 17

      Hi Aviva, that is a great idea!! Let me know how it turns out 🙂

  44. Kumi

    Feb 10


    I just returned from my first visit to Mexico and one dish that sent me in search for more was Chiles en Nogada. As with most dishes, there are many versions and I have been scouring the internet seeking a recipe that would replicate the wonderfully complex flavours I first encountered. Just reading the ingredients in your recipe conjures up smells and flavours that assures me this is the one! I have yet to find poblano chiles in my small town and wonder if I could substitute with the common green pepper? Also, is it possible to freeze the filling? … it would nice to have some in the freezer should unexpected guests arrive.
    Thank you for your generosity in sharing this recipe.


    1. Pati

      Feb 10

      Hi Kumi!
      Yes you can freeze the filling, you can also refrigerate it. I am afraid the Chiles en Nogada are meant to be made with Poblano chiles. You could try it with the Anaheim, but it would change the character of the dish… The common green bell pepper has a very different flavor and no heat at all. But you can always play in your kitchen and see what YOU like ; )

  45. Nicole

    Jan 12


    Thank you for sharing this recipe! I had the pleasure if experiencing Chiles en Nogada in Mexico DF years ago, but have never been able to find a good recipe to recreate that experience. My boyfriend and I love to cook, and he is always interested in the most complex recipes possible. 🙂 We are excited to make this dish together!

    Love your show. Thanks again!


    1. Pati

      Jan 14

      Hi Nicole, I’m so excited that you have chosen to try my recipe!! I hope it does bring back memories of Mexico City for you.

  46. Doris Garber

    Sep 11

    Patty, vivo acá en Columbia MD y me puedo relacionar perfecto con tus historias y sabores viniendo de Mexico. Este año voy a hacer el pollo con tamarindo para Rosh Hashone. Quería come tarte que ñara hacer los chiles en nogada yo normLmente los meto en aceite hirviendo un par de minutos y luego los sudo y pelo. De esta manera no se me hacen aguados y conservan su forma. Tu que opinas de este método?
    Me podrías avisar cuando vayas a dar alguna clase porfavor?
    Mil gracias!
    Doris Garber

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 12

      Hi Doris!
      Muchas gracias por tu mensaje. Para los chiles, yo prefiero tostarlos que freirlos para pelarlos… igual de facil y menos grasa! Mi proxima clase en DC es el 18 de Octubre, esta en la parte del Schedule del site, aqui esta:

  47. lorena garcia

    Aug 31

    Hola Paty, buscando una receta me encontre con tu maravillosa pagina de internet, de hecho llevo alrededor de dos horas continuas leyendo los articulos y recetas tan maravillosas que nos compartes, quiero comentarte que soy una apasionada de la cocina mexicana , siendo yo misma mexicana tengo años dandome ala tarea de investigar muchos de nuestro platillos, por que siento que en Mexico estamos perdiendo el amor por nuestros platillos de origen, hoy en dia se hacen muchas variaciones, no creo que sea malo sino que simplementevan resagando las recetas autenticas, gracias a dios he tenido la oportuidad de viajar a divrsos pueblitos de nuestra republica , donde me he acercado ala gente de la region (indigenas) y he aprendido cosas maravillosas que aun guardan la escencia de nuestras raices, desde como hacer una tortilla, una salsa, un mole o preparar una hay mas que maravillarse ante la sabiduria , cultura y sazon de estas mujeres, que sin saberlo hacen preseverar nuestras raices culinarias, bueno te comento todo esto por que he leido varias recetas de tu blog y son increiblmente maravillosas y apegadas a las recetas autenticas..pero en cuestion a los chiles en nogada que supongo por lo que se lee es uan receta deliciosa,pero a mi ver dista un poco de la receta encantaria compartir contigo la receta que me compartio una mujer Náhuatl,creo que te encantaria..espero y no sientas que minimizo tu receta, por el contrari creo que es maravillosa, pero como comentas que te gusta la investigacion pense que te agradariatener esta y saber la historia que se me conto de ella..te envio bendiciones..y agaradesco infinitamente tus recetas..salvaran mis dias de tedio ante no saber que hacer.. un abrazo..

  48. cristina

    Aug 11

    fijate que hace 3 dias empece a mirar tu show en la tele y me enomore de tu recetas, cada vez que miro tu show se me hace agua la boca. y tube que entrar en tu pagina para buscar recetas porque mi marido es americano y le encanta la comida mexicana ,que mejor que cocinar diferentes cosas. estube mirado tu pagina y me encanta , fijate que hace unos anos probe estos chiles in nogada wow deliciosos , pero sabes que en la casa de mi amiga donde los probe la senora no quiso darme la receta 🙁 ni siquiera como se llamaban, y mira sin querer la encontre aqui y se me hisieron los ojos grandotes cuando los mire 🙂
    queria preguntar si tienes en venta un libro con las recetas ? y como podria obtenerlo? gracias!!

  49. Kevin in Chicago

    Mar 07

    This is one of my all time favorite recipes. Friday I went to Pete’s Market and as I was walking in there was a huge bin of these great looking Poblanos at a great price. Seeing them brought back memories from when I made your recipe for Chiles en Nogada in the Fall of 2009. I made them for a dinner party which brought together three families for a Saturday (after Thanksgiving) dinner party. They turned out absolutely delicious and exactly as I remembered them from my visit to La Fogata Restaurant in San Antonio (highly recommended, by the way) when I was there for a family reunion earlier in the previous summer. (By the way, La Fogata uses pecans in their cream sauce.) Well, on impulse I bought a bunch of Chiles. Since I did not save your recipe I had to do a Google search, and finally found it on the 4th or 5th page. This time I am bookmarking this page and saving this recipe so I don’t lose it again. Thanks for sharing! It is worth all the work to put this together.

  50. Sara

    Feb 20

    Hi Pati,
    Thank you so much for this recipe! My husband & I made a half batch tonight, and it was really delicious! I am considering making it for a dinner party, but I know pomegranate seeds are not widely available at this time of year. Is there anything we can substitute (or do you know of an online vendor for pomegranate seeds year-round?)
    One more thing: this dish is quite sweet, and our palates are used to just a TINY bit less sugar in our food; is there a particular ingredient that would make more sense to leave out? I am thinking about leaving out a little bit of the pineapple that we substituted in for the acitron, since that seemed to be the sweetest part; what do you think? Again, thank you SO much for the recipe; it is fantastic. Reminds me of being in Mexico 🙂

    1. Pati Jinich

      Feb 20

      Hi Sara,
      So thrilled you liked it! Your best bet with the pomegranates is if you still find some, freeze them whole, without peeling them at all. Or ask your grocer, sometimes they save some frozen. Then you can thaw whenever you want to use and they remain in great shape.
      As for the sweetness of the dish, you can tone it down in many ways: leave out the candied pineapple, reduce the amount of raisins as well as the sugar in the sauce.
      No need to thank, it is my pleasure!

  51. Sohar

    Nov 12

    Hi Pati:
    I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful blog, and in particular, this spectacular recipe. I made this recipe (using pecans and candied pineapple as substitutions) a few weeks ago for a dinner party and I received the most generous complimets because of it. In addition, I’ve been asked to make it again and again. It is most definitely going to make it into the family recipe book. Thanks!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Nov 15

      I am so glad!!! Many thanks for your lovely message.

  52. Betty Weisz

    Sep 22

    Hola Pati!!!!!!!!!!!
    Quiero que sepas que apenas me enteré hace poco de tu blog!!! Es EXTRAORDINARIO!!!!!!!
    Escribes precioso y cómo no vamos a querer probar tus recetas???????
    Aquél molcajete que pasó por Toronto, seguro se ha puesto a buen uso!!!
    Siempre he querido hacer Chiles en Nogada y ahora, guiada por tu deliciosa receta, me voy a atrever!!!!
    Te felicito, y ya tienes a una seguidora más!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Besos,desde Toronto, Betty.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 22

      Muchas gracias Betty, que gusto encontrarte por aquí! Visitame por aquí seguido y dime que anotojos tienes, que cosas extrañan, que escribiré sobre ellos…. Muchos saludos, desde DC!

  53. Lauren

    Sep 19

    Thank you for providing this recipe! I spent a month in Puebla last year during chiles en nogada season and was delighted when my host mother made them for a party. I wasn’t able to get a good recipe while I was there, so I’m really excited to get to try this out.
    My question: are skinless (walnuts) readily available in the DC area? Granted, I haven’t looked for them yet, but one of my Poblano friends said that they’re not common in the US. If not at a higher-end store (Whole Foods, Harris Teeter), are they at one of the latin markets?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 19

      So nice to get your message and so excited that you will try this recipe out (it truly is spectacular!) I haven’t seen fresh skinless walnuts anywhere around here. But if you can’t find fresh walnuts to peel (which, yes, are laborious to peel.. ) don’t use the already peeled and packaged walnuts because they will give a bitter taste to the sauce. Not good. Just substitute with pecans. You get very similar taste as with fresh walnuts, just as a delicious sauce, and the only difference is that the sauce will not be sooo white. Let me know how they turned out!

  54. Elise

    Sep 18

    Wish we lived close by to come to the class, hear the stories and try those chilies! Can I make them ahead of time and refrigerate?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 18

      Hi Elise,
      Yes you can! You can prepare everything a day or two ahead of time, but assemble it up to an hour before you are going to eat it, not more. And add the Sherry to the sauce on the day you are going to eat them. Plus, if you have leftovers of either of the parts: chiles, filling or sauce, you can use them for other things! (or keep on eating them…)

      1. Margarita

        Dec 08

        Hi Pati
        Is there any way to make the sauce without walnuts ? I have guests with
        nut allergies .

        1. Pati

          Dec 20

          By principle, nogada translates to sauce made with nuts…but if you have guests that can’t have nuts, you can make the Chiles en Nogada and use my sauce from my chiles rellenos: They won’t be Chiles en Nogada…but they will be delicious anyway 😉

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