Tita Chelo’s Frosted Flake Cookies


Tita Chelo’s Frosted Flake Cookies

Tita Chelo’s Frosted Flake Cookies

Galletas de Zucaritas de la Tita Chelo 

Recipe Yield

20 Cookies

Cooking time

40 minutes

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4.37 from 11 votes


  • 1 1/3 cups unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
  • 3 eggs at room temperature, cracked into a small bowl
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour plus an additional 1/4 cup for shaping the dough
  • 4 to 5 cups frosted flakes cereal of your choice

To Prepare

  • In a stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, whip the butter until soft and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add the sugar 1/4 cup at a time, beating well after each addition.
  • Scrape down the sides of the bowl and the beaters. Add the eggs and continue beating until well mixed, another minute. Beat in the vanilla and salt. Add the flour 1/4 cup at a time, beating for a few seconds after each addition, and continue to beat until the flour is incorporated. The batter should be very smooth, homogenous and soft. Remove the bowl from the mixer.
  • Cover 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit and position the oven racks in the middle and bottom thirds.
  • Place 2 cups of frosted flakes on a large dinner plate or baking sheet and using your hands, squeeze and crumble the flakes to make them smaller, taking care not to grind them up completely. Place 1/4 cup flour on another plate and set it next to the plate with the frosted flakes, and have the parchment-covered baking sheets nearby.
  • Dust your hands with the flour on the plate and scoop up about 1/4 cup of dough. Roll it into a ball and flatten the ball slightly in your hands, then put it into the crumbled frosted flakes to “bread” the cookie. Gently press the ball of dough into the flakes as you add about a teaspoon of crumbs to the top, then press into a ¼-inch thick, 3- to 4-inch round. Transfer to the baking sheet and repeat with rest of the dough.
  • Bake 20 to 25 minutes, rotating the pans from top to bottom and front to back halfway through, until the cookies are light golden brown around the edges. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Store in a tin or a jar.


46comments inTita Chelo’s Frosted Flake Cookies

  1. Ana Ibarra

    Jun 09

    Hola Paty me encantan tus recetas. Y porsupuesto que are estas galletas

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jun 10

      Mil gracias Ana, ojala que te gusten mucho!

  2. Stephanie Perez

    Jul 03

    I saw your recipe just 2 days ago and ran out to buy the ingredients. They’re in the oven as I’m writing this. I can already tell they will be a family favorite!! Thanks to you and your wonderful show ❤️

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jul 03

      Thanks to you for following Stephanie, I hope everyone enjoyed the cookies 😉

  3. Pam

    Oct 18

    Hello thank you so much for that recipe.
    Kellogg’s now has new strawberry milkshake flavored frosted flakes. By using these strawberry flavored flakes it gives the cookie a light sweet strawberry flavor. A little unusual but extremely tasty. This recipe is great the way it is but I love that you can get creative. Thanks again

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 28

      Yum, thanks for the idea Pam!

  4. Cathy Madrid

    Jan 08

    Which of your cook books is this recipe in please?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Feb 04

      Hi Cathy, this recipe is just here in the website 😉

  5. Carmen Mason

    Dec 31

    Can you make these with plain corn flakes? I’m not a big fan of sugary cereal so I never buy it! Wonder if it will be sweet enough with plain corn flakes. Anyone try this before?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jan 02

      I do not see why not Carmen, please go ahead and enjoy!

    2. Mary

      Jan 06

      I wonder if puffed rice would work. The health food brands aren’t sweetened, and it’s just as noisy! LOL!

  6. Esther Lara

    Feb 27

    So very yummy 😋 these cookies are going to be made often!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Mar 07

      Yay, enjoy Esther 😉

  7. Laura Theobald

    Jan 20

    My husband and I are new to your show. We love watching it together twice a week. We made these amazing cookies today. They came out great. I think next time I will hit it with a little cinnamon sugar before baking. Love your show, love your sweet, fun spirit, love those cookies. Thanks for making the “pandemic lockdown” more bareable.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jan 21

      Thanks to you and your husvand for tuning in Laura, so glad I have been of some help during these times 😉

  8. Sir

    Dec 23

    So.. no baking soda?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Dec 24

      Not in this one Sir 😉

  9. Sue

    Aug 08

    We’re in Lockdown In Victoria Australia and I thought I’d give these a Go…so glad I did. Thank you Pati

    1. Pati Jinich

      Aug 11

      Thanks so much Sue, greetings all the way to Australia 🙂

  10. Anonymous

    Jun 18

    Omgosh they are super easy and soooo delicious. Thank you so much pati and your husbands grandma. 🙂

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jun 21

      Thanks to your for giving them a chance!

  11. Maureen Lee

    Oct 05

    Perseverance pays!
    I recently watched your show when you made these cookies .. they made me so hungry to try afterwards that I thought I could quickly search & find this particular episode online to get the recipe even tho I had forgotten the recipe title but Alas, no such thing so I watched the programming on PBS hoping for a repeat of the episode. Again, no luck. Well today I switched gears & I went back to searching just by inputting – Mexican cornflake cookies – Wow.. immediate success .. up popped Patti’s Mexican Tables “Tita Chelo’s Frosted Flake Cookies”.. Can’t wait to try this recipe!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 10

      I hope you enjoy it, Maureen!

  12. Francine

    Oct 01

    I think this recipe would be good with chocolate flavored corn flakes. ….love yor recipes and your shows.

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 02

      Thank you for the suggestion, Francine! I’ll try to test it out soon.

  13. Alma RobinsonI

    Sep 28

    I would like to find a recipe with not sugar for my Health issues .
    But I will like how you do the program on TV.
    Thank you so much….!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Oct 11

      You can adapt the recipe to meet your nutritional needs, Alma. If you can eat sugar substitutes, you can use that in this recipe. And if you are looking for a low-sugar dessert, try my baked plantains with honey: http://patijinich.com/pati_2020/baked-plantains-for-dessert/

    2. Mary

      Jan 06

      ALMA: You didn’t say if it’s only table sugar (sucrose) isn’t allowed, or any other saccharides as well. King Arthur Flour has an entire line of ingredients for keto, gluten-free, all those special diets. And a ton of recipes online. And KAF makes a great no-sugar equivalent that is used 1:1, measure-for-measure, instead of sucrose (white table sugar). I trust their company, have used their different flours for many, many decades. I’ve found their hotline has made me a better baker. They’ve got the 800 baker’s hotline number on their website. Please, call them and ask all your questions about how to use their substitute in a recipe. If it’s only sucrose you can’t have, there are still other saccharides such as honey, which is fructose + glucose. You didn’t say how restricted your diet is, and if it was prescribed by a physician or by yourself. Do your research, and if you can’t eat sweets at all, maybe you shouldn’t torture yourself by looking at cakes, cookies and candies. I do know that even for diabetes, patients are allowed to have most foods in moderation, even a few cookies, just not the whole box, and not every day.

  14. Ann Thompson

    Sep 25

    I’m going to try this recipe as a chocolate cookie, substituting 1/2 cup of the flour with cocoa powder. Then breading the cookie in Trader Joe’s Cocoa Crunch cereal crumbs. I think it’ll be pretty good for us chocoholics!

    1. Pati Jinich

      Sep 27

      Sounds super yum, Ann!

  15. Jasmine

    Jun 24

    Also do you think i can make this without a mixer? I have an immersion blender??

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jul 01

      You can always use your hands/spoon to mix the dough, Jasmine.

  16. Jasmine

    Jun 23

    Hola Pati! What’s the consistency of these cookies like? Crunchy or chewy? Do you think these would work with whole wheat flour? Same measurements? Or maybe half wheat flour and half white? How do you think it would effect the final texture taste?

    1. Pati Jinich

      Jul 18

      They are a crunchy cookie, Jasmine. You can use whole wheat flour instead of white flour, and it would be the same measurements.

  17. mag

    May 30

    i look forward to your smile and cooking every nite at 9 there is so much negative reporting in our country cooking makes my grand daughters HAPPY cant wait til they try making your cereal cookies thank you mag

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 31

      Oh thank you so much Mag. Hugs! And say hi to your grandkids for me.

  18. Kimmy

    May 18

    I’m going to make these when I get back into my kitchen. Both my husband and I enjoy watching your show. Your recipes share your love of family and make trying new things fun. Gracias!

    1. Pati Jinich

      May 20

      Thank YOU, Kimmy.

  19. Carlos Ayala

    Feb 23

    I was so excited when I saw you make this dessert. Having a sweet tooth for both cookies and frosted flakes back when I was a kid, these may be double trouble in my house 😉 Looking forward to trying this!

    1. Pati

      Feb 25

      Oh I hope they bring back yum childhood memories for you, Carlos.

  20. Meg

    Feb 16

    Hi Pati! This morning I purged our cabinet of been-hanging-around-too-long cereal. Then I sat down to watch your show (love it) and it was the episode with this cookie recipe! I ran to reclaim our frosted flakes & baked these this afternoon. Had 1 to test, a second with tea and plan to have 1 with milk for dessert & with coffee 2moro a.m.

    1. Pati

      Feb 18

      Oh what a great timing!

  21. yvonne w.

    Jan 28

    me encanta tu programa, Pati. gracias por traer la verdadera cocina mexicana a los EU. tienes video para esta receta? gracias, yvonne (new york & los ángeles)

    1. Pati

      Feb 08

      Mil gracias, Yvonne! El video está aquí: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L8N2ZX1/ (ep. 12)

  22. alexia perez jimenez

    Dec 15

    i love you shows

    1. Pati

      Dec 16

      Thank you Alexia!

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