Forbes: From Political Analyst To Mexican Chef On PBS

“A few months ago, I was channel surfing on TV, and landed on an intriguing show on PBS called Pati’s Mexican Table. Not a lover of food shows by any stretch of the imagination, I found myself somehow riveted to the screen. Pati Jinich was the chef, preparing in an effortless and jubilant way what looked to be a sumptuous authentic Mexican dish for her young son. I remember there were prawns in the dish, and the food looked so inviting. Her small boy was enraptured, gobbling it down for dinner. While I certainly know TV is not real life, I was struck by Pati – by the sheer joy and love she shared about Mexican food, culture and tradition. It was palpable and jumped off the screen, and made me want to record every show, to learn how to cook authentic Mexican dishes and adore the process, just as she did.

To my surprise, shortly after, I was able to connect with Pati about her new book by the same title, Pati’s Mexican Table, and I had the opportunity to speak at length with her about her fascinating journey from Mexico, to Washington as a political analyst, to serving as a top Mexican chef with her own popular PBS show focused on Mexican food and heritage…”

To read the entire article, click here.


6comments inForbes: From Political Analyst To Mexican Chef On PBS

  1. Maria del Rosario

    May 04

    Sra Pati: Cambiando de canales me encontre con “Pati’s Mexican table” y me encantaron las recetas asi como su visita al lago de Pazcuaro. Mi madre era de Michoacan y aunque yo nunca he visitado Michoacan me facina su belleza natural.
    En ese programa en particular presento un pastel de nuez y chocolate (que la nana de su esposo le enseno porque es el favorito de su esposo). Me podria decir donde encuentro la receta? (ingredientes, pasos, etc.) Soy bien “chocolatera” y lo quiero probar. Tambien vivo en la costa de Estados Unidos pero en el golfo de Mexico asi que me encanto la receta del coctel de camarones. Siga adelante con su programa, que de hoy en adelante loo buscare en PBS y sere su fan. Puse su pagina en mis favoritos para seguir viniendo aqui. Gracias

    1. Pati

      May 04

      Aquí está, espero que te guste, esta super duper chocolatoso!

  2. gladys Rivera

    Apr 22

    hola patty. me gusto mucho la receta del cocktail de camarones, no la puedo encontrar. si fuera possible mandarmela, o indicarme como encontrarla, muchas gracias.

  3. Alfonso Gutierrez

    Apr 14

    Best cooking ever THANKS

    1. Pati

      Apr 16

      Thank YOU!!

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